Monday, November 15, 2010

I ♥ Tom Ford

I have never just posted a photoshoot online –that wasn't my own, of course! But there are few designers - okay NO designers - that I love as much as Tom Ford. His clothes are gorgeous and wearable and sexy and here they are photographed by Steven Meisel who happens to be my favorite photographer. GLORIOUS! And while I know we are all supposed to be getting wet panties at the mere thought of Lanvin for H&M, it just didn't do a damn thing for me. (original Lanvin? That's another story altogether!) I am beyond excited about this and would rather save all my shekels for one piece in this then an entire designer H&M collection....I'm just sayin'...
ps this shoot is from Vogue -the American one -shocking, I know that they would do something decent and give me an excuse to deviate from the Italian version for once.